Friday, February 26, 2010


Pretty psyched about this series Im planning on doing... the storyline is real, great and the action is INTENSE. Students from Clara Barton will be featured in this series. (Intruder, Thug, Darren and Sandra are excluded).

Monday, February 22, 2010


Uhm... eh... not too sure about this one... not really "feeling" it.. Will Eisner must be rolling over in his grave... and Darwyn Cooke must be shaking his head....


Only actual comic book fans know that this guy's name is actually Deathstroke the Terminator... pretty cool name back then... but since Warner Bros. censorship doesn't like the the word "death" in cartoons... the producers of TEEN TITANS chose "Slade" from his alter ego name... Slade Wilson... and any Teen Titan fan... cartoon or comic book... knows that Slade/Deathstroke... is the coolest of them all....


After reading the Adventure Comics 6-part Superboy story by Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul... Superboy became one of my favorite teenaged heroes. He's like Superman... but a teen who's unsure of where he's going but taking joy in the great times he has now....


Just another drawing I whipped out at my desk at work. Penciling and inking this was not a problem at all... coloring on the other hand.... dont wanna get into it.... Green Lantern, Ladies and Gents...


No idea what exactly I was going for here... just wanted to draw a Superman pic... a character who is very hard to draw... you have to show power and humility all wrapped up in a red cape... a red cape that flows beautifully in this picture....

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Don't know why but Wonder Woman never seems to come out right with me... this isnt the "majestic" image I tried to capture... played a lil with a "lens effect" on her bracelets... not a shabby job I think...


Spent at least two hours blasting music in my ears and bouncing a tennis ball off my wall; it's my way of brainstorming. A flood of new picture ideas came in my head for this blog... had to start off with the ONLY fictional character with no powers to be considered a SUPERhero.... here it is...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Astajia's cousin, Cedric, wanted me to draw him a picture of Black Canary. I was pretty excited 'cuz this is a character that very few people know by name. So... i whipped this out while at my desk at work... and here it is....... NOTE: her legs are a different color than her arms and face b/c she has stockings on....


Here are some pics that I promised a couple of friends of mine, Cassandra and Shanika. Cassandra's a fan of the DANGER GIRL series by J. Scott Campbell and Andy Hartnell... Shanika, on the other hand, had no idea what a Danger Girl was... but wanted it anyway...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This is a character created by me and my Earth Science teacher Mr. Mims. Already wrote the first four issues to this character and will start penciling it as soon as i get some prior art "contracts" off my plate. I also decided to use some of the students in the class as characters in the story.Lawrence, James, and Matthew are just a couple of people that I plan to "comic-ize" and HOPEFULLY this great story gets published one day.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I decided to draw the 2010 seniors of Clara Barton. Chose to do my good friend Kamrul first b/c of his unique face shape. This was a pretty easy project... but his hair... GOD his hair is hard to do... but... here it is... Thanks to him for letting me put his real pic up.

Monday, February 1, 2010

This idea hit me in the shower for some reason. Took three days. Two to draw it, and one to color and edit. Enjoy!
Just a small "Animation" test using the storyboard work from my top favorite artist, BRUCE TIMM. Music by Hans Zimmer (pretty darn good)




Character design for the main character of a western/crime noir comic I was scripting... not sure when it will be completed...


A lil company me and Vernal had going on for a while... not sure where it's going now but this was one of the designs i did for the Tshirts....
Lavon is another WATCHMAN fan... wanted me to draw Rorshach and gave me specific instructions as to what was to be in it... I followed it to a T... and got this....

It was just me, Vernal, and Karen walking from school on a rainy day.... so i walked a few feet behind them to give them some privacy... and this is EXACLY what i saw...

The movie WATCHMAN was great... the comic book was greater... so i drew the controversial and nude character Dr. Manhattan with pencil only...first time drawing like that... not too bad....

Thanks to Vernal's brother for making me draw this character... i knew of HellBoy but never got into it... surprisingly had fun doing this...

Read a "THE SPIRIT" comic book written and drawn by Darwyn Cooke... i loved how he made older woman look very sensual, sexual and seductive... so i tried my hand at it... and this was born....

The opening sequence in CASINO ROYALE was so brilliant to me i had to copy its style and re-draw the poster for QUANTUM OF SOLACE. I personally LOVE how the gun looks

The opening sequence in CASINO ROYALE was so brilliant to me i had to copy its style and re-draw the cover of the DVD case.

This is the same girl as before... not sure what sparked this...

Saw the Little Mermaid and i just love the scene where King Triton grants Ariel legs and she walks up to Prince Eric in a raggedy but beautiful dress...

Saw a Clint Eastwood film with my Pops... thought of an unsung DCcomics hero JONAH HEX... so i took a VERY popular Eastwood phrase and made it my own....

My brother Vernal got a "man-purse" and I always wanted one ever since I saw Jack Bauer wear one on "24"... so i was kinda jealous when I saw he had one too... thanks to Cassie... this was born...

For years I've been drawing a version of that Joker that was designed by Bruce Timm for THE NEW SUPERMAN/BATMAN ADVENTURES on KidsWB... (years ago).. decided to design my own... still bears a resemblance tho...

I wanted to do a Superman that was just REALLY pissed... it was originally supposed to just be black and white... but realized that the crayons on my desk could be put to good use...

Read a comic book with a new version of Superman... thought his powers and design was cool... so i drew it... gave a copy to my best friend/brother Vernal...

I was bored in school when I did this...more of an inking exercise than anything else... his facial features were done with a pen i found on the floor...

I was SO hype for the QUANTUM OF SOLACE movie that i created my own James Bond.. kind of a cross between Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig...

An idea that popped in my head for a nice black and white contrast pic...

After finding out me and Avion liked the same wolverine show... this was born......

This image popped in my head... I drew it... Vernal like it... I signed it to him....

Despite the FAILURE that "the Spirit" movie was...Vernal wanted a pic....

Vernal's other lil bro wanted a wolverine pic... came up with my own design.... not a shabby job...

Vernal's lil bro wanted a Batman pic and this was a result.... too violent??? nahhhh...

It was Vernal's parents' anniversary... he told me what should be in it and this was born....

After me, Astajia and Wilbert went to go see DARK KNIGHT.... Wilbert got dropped out of LPN... and this was born.....

I think of Astajia Auguste EVERY TIME I see or hear Single Ladies... and so this was born....

This was a character whose back-story was created by Ajani Curwen and designed by me back in the 8th grade... he was originally supposed to be a superhero with ice-powers called "Frostbite"...the idea was kinda scrapped but this hispanic male caught the attention of Cassie... and "Julian Rodriguez" was brought back...