Monday, September 6, 2010


Continuing my adoration for Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul's run on Superboy.... in the third issue, Conner teams up with his best friend, Tim (Robin, Red Robin) to help him find Lex Luthor. Their meeting up for the first time takes a different turn as Conner realizes that Tim is punishing himself for the recent "death" of Conner and the even more recent apparent death of Batman.

Here we see that Tim has become like Batman... a brooding character who's borderline obsessing over his mission. It comes apparent that both Conner and Tim are both on missions that others deem as a fool's errand.

Conner wants to prove that Lex Luthor--one-half of his DNA--is capable of doing good...

And Tim wants to prove that Batman--his mentor and adoptive father, who died by the hands of Darkseid in front of countless heroes--is alive...

Thanks to Lawrence for helping me edit this pic.

Hopefully it shows the weight on their shoulders... and bond between them...

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Another non-action packed issue of Superboy by Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul that was simply beautiful. Here, Conner (Superboy) reconnects with Cassie (Wonder Girl) and he bares his soul to her. That's all there is to it, basically, and it's wonderful. We get a sense that this is more than just a teenaged fling and that this isn't some mushy, gushy hollow relationship portrayed in the media today.

This is simple.

This is love.


Felt inspired by Geoff Johns writing and Francis Manapul's art in their run on Superboy. I loved it. Every panel of it. It wasn't action packed--and I LOVE an action packed comic book WITH a beautiful story and plot. But this was just a story with VERY little action scenes and I LOVED it. It was so beautifully done. Superboy (Conner Kent) is trying to find himself--coming to terms with both sides of his DNA (Superman and Lex Luthor) and also grabbing hold of those he cares about. He's unsure of the future... but he's gonna charge right into it, because he knows he has the right mind and the right people at his back.

What can I say?

I love it.


To recap the title.... FINALLY!! I finally drew a Superman pic that can really be classified as a Superman pic. All the others were just some muscled Joe Schmoe with tighty-reddies and an S slapped on his chest. There was no humbleness. There was no subtle majesty. There was no real Superman.

Here it is.

Here is what I've been trying so long to draw. A picture about Kal-El of Krypton, with this Sun at his back and his duty before him-- Saving lives. Ajani asked for a Superman pic and gave me specific details on what he wanted in it and I said "Screw it. I'm gonna draw the greatest Superman image to ever come out of my head" and I did.

Have not gotten a response yet.... hope the kid likes it.


So, maybe the title took black people back a decade or so... but that line was in my mind all throughout the drawing and coloring of this pic. I'm pretty proud of it. John Stewart is--hands down--the smoothest Green Lantern of all. They're all great, mind you--but something about the way he carries himself--especially in Geoff John's writing--makes him stand out even when he's not the main focal point.

This pic is for Chonn, an old friend from junior high. He asked for GL, I said "which one?", he said "doesn't matter--I don't see race." Cool guy. Cool statement. Cool Lantern. John Stewart.


Reading Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee's BATMAN: HUSH and watching BATMAN: UNDER THE RED HOOD led to the drawing of these pics... not my absolute best work but the feel behind it ain't too shabby...

Thursday, September 2, 2010



Track runner and all around cool guy, Alex, is probably the guy who started the idea for me to redraw people's pictures. His pics are what people call "money shots". It's one of those pics that you have to stop and realize just how smooth it is.


So, it's been a very long while since i posted any artwork on this site. A very annoying internet connection problem was the cause of this. Not to say that I stopped drawing all together, mind you. I decided to take pictures of people I knew and redraw them in a stylish design. First up... Will.