Monday, September 6, 2010


Continuing my adoration for Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul's run on Superboy.... in the third issue, Conner teams up with his best friend, Tim (Robin, Red Robin) to help him find Lex Luthor. Their meeting up for the first time takes a different turn as Conner realizes that Tim is punishing himself for the recent "death" of Conner and the even more recent apparent death of Batman.

Here we see that Tim has become like Batman... a brooding character who's borderline obsessing over his mission. It comes apparent that both Conner and Tim are both on missions that others deem as a fool's errand.

Conner wants to prove that Lex Luthor--one-half of his DNA--is capable of doing good...

And Tim wants to prove that Batman--his mentor and adoptive father, who died by the hands of Darkseid in front of countless heroes--is alive...

Thanks to Lawrence for helping me edit this pic.

Hopefully it shows the weight on their shoulders... and bond between them...

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